/6 Science Quiz (for 12 to 16 years old): Quiz 5 1 / 6Carbon, diamond and graphite are together called isotopes isomers allotropes isomorphs 2 / 6The chemical (ethyl mercaptan) added to the otherwise odourless LPG cooking gas for imparting a detectable smell to the gas is a compound of sulphur chlorine bromine fluorine 3 / 6Monazite is an ore of thorium zirconium iron titanium 4 / 6Non stick cooking utensils are coated with polystyrene Teflon black paint PVC 5 / 6The element common to all acids is carbon hydrogen sulphur oxygen 6 / 6Heavy water is tritium oxide PH7 deuterium oxide rain water Your score is 0% Restart quiz Next quiz Please rate the quiz Send feedback