/6 Science Quiz (for 12 to 16 years old): Quiz 3 1 / 6The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called osmosis efflorescence deliquescence desiccation 2 / 6The gases used in different types of welding would include oxygen, acetylene and argon oxygen, hydrogen, acetylene and nitrogen oxygen and acetylene oxygen and hydrogen 3 / 6The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breathing, is Argon Xenon Helium Krypton 4 / 6Which of the following is used as a lubricant? Iron Oxide Diamond Graphite Silica 5 / 6Tetraethyl lead is used as petrol additive mosquito repellent fire extinguisher pain killer 6 / 6The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognisable traces of the original plant material is anthracite lignite peat bitumen Your score is 0% Restart quiz Next quiz Please rate the quiz Send feedback