Class 3 MATH – Four Digit NumbersTopic – Number Names to Numerals (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:eight thousand sixty three Enter (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:two thousand two hundred twenty one Enter (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:five thousand seven hundred six Enter (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:three thousand nine hundred sixty Enter (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:one thousand twenty Enter (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:six thousand one hundred twenty Enter (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:seven thousand two hundred eight Enter (Write the numeral ) : Write the numeral of the following number name in the box below:four thousand eight hundred Enter Your score is 0% Restart quiz Next quiz Please rate the quiz Send feedback