Class 3 MATH – MEASUREMENTTopic – Choose the correct Unit of Length (cm, m, km) – Part 1 Â Choose the correct unit of length (cm,m or km) for the following :Length of a wrist watch. Centimetres metres kilograms Choose the correct unit of length (cm,m or km) for the following :Length of a road. kilometres grams Litres Choose the correct option that estimates the height of the tree ? 15 cm 15 m Choose the correct unit for the following :length of a book. kilometres Centimetres metres Choose the correct unit of length (cm,m or km) for the following :length of curtain cloth. kilograms Litres metres Choose the correct unit for the following :Length of an eraser. kilometres metres Centimetres Your score is 0% Restart quiz Next quiz Please rate the quiz Send feedback