Class 3 MATH – MEASUREMENTTopic – Addition and Subtraction of Different measuring units (Part 1) (Measurement) : Please choose the correct option :-6 kg 400 g + 3 kg 800 g = 10 kg 200 g 8 kg 9 kg 1200 g Measurement – Addition and Subtraction of Different measuring units:Add 124 km 350 m and 18 km 210 m. Enter (Measurement) : Please choose the correct option :-50 kg 500 g – 17 kg 200 g = 5800 g 33 kg 300 g 68 kg 700 g Measurement – Addition and Subtraction of Different measuring units:Add 25 m 32 cm and 16 m 8 cm. Enter (Measurement) : Please choose the correct option :-5 kg + 700 g = 6 kg 5.7 kg 3400 g (Measurement) : Please choose the correct option :-500 g + 800 g = 1300 g 2800 g 1200 g Your score is 0% Restart quiz Next quiz Please rate the quiz Send feedback