/6 Class 1 (Maths) Geometry : (3D) Three dimensional Shapes -Part 4Note : Parental/Teacher Guidance recommended 1 / 6Which 3D shape does the Glass look like ? Pyramid Cone Sphere Cylinder 2 / 6Which 3D shape does the Pyramid look like ? Pyramid Triangular Prism Sphere Cube 3 / 6Which 3D shape does the ice cream cone look like ? Sphere Cone Pyramid Triangular Prism 4 / 6Which 3D shape does the Football look like ? Triangular Prism Pyramid Cone Sphere 5 / 6Which 3D shape does the marble look like ? Triangular Prism Sphere Cube Pyramid 6 / 6Which 3D shape does the roof look like ? Cuboid Cube Pyramid Triangular Prism Your score is 0% Restart quiz Next quiz Please rate the quiz Send feedback